Though there are distinct levels to the DevOps maturity model, you’ll notice that the last step still involves continuous improvement and optimization. Your DevOps journey will never end, and in fact, to maintain DevOps maturity you will need to constantly find ways to optimize your processes. It gets easier to advance through the DevOps maturity model as you get through the levels and optimize your processes, but you still need to continuously evaluate your skills and progress to ensure you don’t stagnate. By this point, compliance and quality assurance are so built into the development process that they sign off on code shortly after it’s written. An extensive, high-quality suite of tests means that deployments happen very soon after code has been finished.

ci cd maturity model

At this level reporting is typically done manually and on-demand by individuals. Interesting metrics can e.g. be cycle-time, delivery time, number of releases, number of emergency fixes, number of incidents, number of features per release, bugs found during integration test etc. When moving to beginner level you will naturally start to investigate ways of gradually automating the existing manual integration testing for faster feedback and more comprehensive regression tests. For accurate testing the component should be deployed and tested in a production like environment with all necessary dependencies.

Take 3: Release

At this level real time graphs and other reports will typically also include trends over time. At intermediate level, builds are typically triggered from the source control system on each commit, tying a specific commit to a specific build. Tagging and versioning of builds is automated and the deployment process is standardized over all environments. Built artifacts or release packages are built only once and are designed to be able to be deployed in any environment. The standardized deployment process will also include a base for automated database deploys of the bulk of database changes, and scripted runtime configuration changes. A basic delivery pipeline is in place covering all the stages from source control to production.

At first glance a typical mature delivery pipeline can be very overwhelming; depending on how mature the current build and deployment process is in the organization, the delivery pipeline can be more or less complex. In this category we will describe a logical maturity progression to give structure and understanding to the different parts and levels it includes. At this level the work with modularization will evolve into identifying and breaking out modules into components that are self-contained and separately deployed. At this stage it will also be natural to start migrating scattered and ad-hoc managed application and runtime configuration into version control and treat it as part of the application just like any other code.

ci cd maturity model

Before we continue, we need a shared understanding of infrastructure as code. Executing the code provisions virtualized cloud infrastructure. Imagine that a developer makes a change in the code after this happens you need to promote the code to the integration environments, send notifications to your team members and run the testing plan. Since databases schema changes are sometimes delicate, make sure to include your DBA team into the peer review process, so that changes are 1) code; 2) can be merged and patched; 3) can be code reviewed. Being at this level can also lead to a feeling of frustration, as technical teams have far more metric data than management. That data might be difficult to access or challenging for management to understand, meaning that they make decisions organizational telemetry suggests will be worse for the business.

How Integrating Security In Devops Benefits Development Pipelines

These tests are especially valuable when working in a highly component based architecture or when good complete integration tests are difficult to implement or too slow to run frequently. At this level you will most likely start to look at gradually automating parts of the acceptance testing. While integration tests are component specific, acceptance tests typically span over several components and across multiple systems. The deployment step typically involves creating a deployment environment — for example, provisioning resources and services within the data center — and moving the build to its deployment target, such as a server.

This enables developers to focus on the code, while operations focus on the underlying infrastructure. This results in an environment that is more resilient, scalable, and secure. Cloud-Native – Cloud-native applications allow organizations to deploy new features quickly. They offer enormous benefits, including cost advantages offered by pay-as-you-go pricing models and the horizontal scalability provided by on-demand virtual resources. When cloud-native applications are implemented using a DevOps approach with CI/CD, they can produce substantial ROI. It is best practice to try to automate the build and testing processes in order to find bugs early and not waste time with needless manual activities.

The tools listed aren’t necessarily the best available nor the most suitable for your specific needs. You still need to do the necessary due diligence to ensure you pick the best tools for your environment. QCon San Francisco brings together the world’s most innovative senior software engineers across multiple domains to share continuous delivery maturity model their real-world implementation of emerging trends and practices. I like the idea a lot and would like to use that model for us to evaluate our own maturity. The panelists discuss how to lead organizational change to improve velocity and quality. Your team is able to focus on your business instead of maintaining Kubernetes.

Continuous Delivery is not just about automating the release pipeline but how to get your whole change flow, from grain to bread ,in a state of the art shape. Former Head of Development at one of europes largest online gaming company. Tobias is currently implementing Continuous Delivery projects at several customers. A typical organization will have, at base level, started to prioritize work in backlogs, have some process defined which is rudimentarily documented and developers are practicing frequent commits into version control. The purpose of the maturity model is to highlight these five essential categories, and to give you an understanding of how mature your company is.

Cd Maturity Model

For example, the model prescribes automated environment provisioning, orchestrated deployments, and the use of metrics for continuous improvement. Much like the fixes at level 1, the best way out of level 2 is through constant incremental improvement. Now that they’ve started collecting metrics about their team and software performance, teams should critically evaluate those metrics to see which are working well and discard those that don’t.

The problem with their definition is that it’s binary, and it’s simplistic. If you have a continuous integration pipeline, you’re a DevOps organization. To excel in ‘flow’ teams need to make work visible across all teams, limit work in progress, and reduce handoffs to start thinking as a system, not a silo. One way to start approaching ‘flow’ is through practices like agile.

  • An operations employee might need to touch dozens of individual servers to make sure they work with the new code.
  • Also, they have outstanding metrics that allow them to quantify the impact individual releases have on the overall performance of the software.
  • As applications gain prevalence as a source of competitive advantage, business leaders are becoming more aware of how critical speed and quality are when delivering applications to users.
  • With the help of DevOps strategies security can also be enhanced.
  • This model will typically give answers to questions like; what is a component?

If you need speed and quality at the same time, eliminating manual steps or cumbersome processes is your best bet at achieving it. To advance through the DevOps maturity model, you need application architecture that’s designed to support your DevOps goals. However, there’s no one architecture that works for all DevOps environments and infrastructure, so you’ll need to choose one that fits your requirements and aligns with your DevOps maturity goals. In my experience, organizations use the maturity model in one of two ways. First, an organization completes an impartial evaluation of their existing levels of maturity across all areas of practice.

These ML Ops maturity levels promise to add the processes needed to reduce friction in the development of model-based applications. In this blog, we take a look at several ML Ops maturity models to examine if they provide true process improvement in the spirit of the CMMI model. From a startup to a multinational corporation the software development industry is currently dominated by agile frameworks and product teams and as part of it DevOps strategies. It has been observed that during the implementation, security aspects are usually neglected or are at least not sufficient taken account of. It is often the case that standard safety requirements of the production environment are not utilized or applied to the build pipeline in the continuous integration environment with containerization or concrete docker.

Infrastructure As Code Maturity Model

Continuous Delivery presents a compelling vision of builds that are automatically deployed and tested until ready for production. This step ensure that you not only have tested your integrations continuously but are also deploying to various environments as frequently as possible. As the teams mature they will want their compiled, tested and verified artifacts to be archived and deployed to either a final QA server, and/or the production server for access by customers.

This maturity model is designed to help you assess where your team is on their DevOps journey. Depending on your organization, your end goal may be to have changes deployable within a day . Or your goal may be to achieve continuous deployment, with updates being shipped if they pass all stages of the pipeline successfully. You can also use continuous feedback from production to inform hypothesis-driven development . At the base level in this category it is important to establish some baseline metric for the current process, so you can start to measure and track.

The continuous delivery process involves several stages of checks, gates and feedback loops before final test acceptance and push to production. Oversights and mistakes in programming and testing can create vulnerabilities and expose software to malicious activity. Thus, it is critical to infuse security best practices throughout the CI/CD pipeline.


Start small, by writing tests for every bit of new code, and iterate from there. Dev and ops teams share some responsibilities but still use separate tools. This requires the teams to abolish silos and work as cross-functional teams. Treat your test code and test infrastructure as first class citizens.

Documentation also contributes to an organization’s compliance and security posture, enabling leaders to audit activities. A business and its development teams can employ various methods to get the most from a CI/CD pipeline. These CI/CD best practices can help organizations derive even more value from them. Allocating and coordinating resources and intellectual investment to configure test environments and construct test cases is a common problem for CI/CD pipelines.

Project Leader

Decisions are decentralized to the team and component ownership is defined which gives teams the ability to build in quality and to plan for sustainable product and process improvements. Creating and maintaining a CI/CD pipeline incurs various costs for tools, infrastructure and resources. CI/CD pipelines are dynamic entities that require frequent refinement and regular developer training to operate efficiently and reliably. A CI/CD pipeline is a loop that yields countless iterative steps to a completed project — and each phase also offers a loop back to the beginning. A problem in testing or after deployment will demand source fixes.

Those metrics should also become a direct part of the decision-making portfolio for upper management, meaning that they can make decisions with effective data to support their thinking. The compliance organization is directly involved with code reviews so that they can identify concerns while the code is written. Your continuous integration system works perfectly well over 90 percent of the time. A broad suite of high-quality automated tests drastically shortens the QA window. Fewer bugs are written, and teams are confident new features do what they’re supposed to. We had unit test written and automated acceptance tests were run..

Every day is a new opportunity to do things a little bit better. At this point, the team probably has a real continuous integration system, and it works—mostly. Operations staff likely still needs to manually intervene on a regular basis.